
Saturday, March 15, 2008

Stop discipline in forex

There are significant opportunities and of course risks in the foreign exchange markets. Aggressive traders might experience profit/loss swings of 20-30% daily. This calls for strict self-disciplined stop-loss policies in positions that are moving against you.

Luckily, there are no daily limits on foreign exchange trading and no restrictions on trading hours other than the weekends. This means that there will nearly always be a possibility to react to moves in the main currency markets and low risk of getting caught without possibility of getting out. This market can move very fast and a stop-loss order is by no means a guarantee of getting out at the desired level.

The main risk is really an event over the weekend, where all markets are closed. This happens from time to time as many important political events such as G10 meetings are normally scheduled for week The main risk is really an event over the weekend, where all markets are closed. This happens from time to time as many important political events such as G-20 meetings are normally scheduled during the weekend.

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